You’re Still a Writer

Most people seem to think the title of this blog (Write Like A Mother) is because I curse like a sailor and left the last word off the title for sensibility’s sake. Those people are wrong for a couple of reasons. 1) I have no sensibility. I curse a lot, and generally don’t care who hears it. Sorry, not sorry. …

The truth about writing like a mother…

I had high hopes when I purchased this domain and started this website. I was going to post regularly with tips and tricks about how to use small amounts of time to achieve great things with my writing. Okay, I’ll wait until you get your laughter under control. Done, now? So here’s the real truth. I am about halfway through …

MS Word Navigation Pane Workaround

Microsoft Word is the standard in the publishing world. Editors use it to comment and mark up manuscripts. It’s a great piece of software when it works the way you want it to. When it doesn’t, it feels like an eternity in hell trying to get your manuscript just the way you want it. One of the things that I …

Paperless Writing Cycle Challenge

I’ve been entertaining the idea of going paperless in my writing cycle for some time, but I love pens. Besides my love of pens, I have to admit that my favorite part of revising is all the colorful scribbles all over a printout of my work. However, I struggle with corralling all the paper of the printouts. Double-spacing a rough …

I lack… Focus.

I admit it. I’ve been having a hard time concentrating on my writing for the past few days. Last week, I had a mini writing retreat from Monday afternoon through Thursday morning. I accomplished a lot in those three days, but I’ve been struggling to get back into the swing of things now that I’m home. 

So, it’s time to pull out some of my secret weapons. (Okay, they’re not that secret, but they work for me.)

Formatting for Createspace with Nisus Writer Pro

I recently purchased Nisus Writer Pro ($79), and I used it to format my latest book for Createspace tonight. I set my stopwatch and I’m happy to report that it took me 1:28:48.07 to format the entire book. There was a phone call from my grandma in there too, so let’s just say it took me an hour and twenty-one minutes. Want …