The truth about writing like a mother…

I had high hopes when I purchased this domain and started this website. I was going to post regularly with tips and tricks about how to use small amounts of time to achieve great things with my writing.

Okay, I’ll wait until you get your laughter under control.

Done, now?

So here’s the real truth. I am about halfway through the second draft of a novel I scheduled an editor for. My editing slot was for the end of September, because “Hey! Once the kids are back in school all day, every day, I’m going to have tons and tons of time to myself that I can focus on this revision and get it finished in a month! Bring on the giant royalty checks and the super duper productiveness that will make people’s jaws drop in wonderment.”

Or not.

There are activities for my darling children four nights a week, PTA meetings, volunteer sessions, a couple of relaxing lunches with friends, so much laundry, and unfinished house projects that have been driving me bonkers.

So instead of focusing on my writing, I’ve been focusing on regaining enough order in my household to preserve the small amount of sanity that remains.

And just when I think I have a handle on things, I get this…

My eldest monkey is home from school today due to the plague

My eldest monkey is home from school today thanks to the latest round of the plague. Thankfully, my husband is super helpful and supportive, but… yeah… there go my plans for the day.

Don’t get me wrong, I adore my kids and my purpose in life is to make sure they grow up to be (somewhat) well-balanced and productive members of society. It’s a higher priority than my writing, but I’d really like to hit some of the goals I set for myself.

Unfortunately, I seem to set ridiculous goals and need to get better at being realistic and allowing time for myself to relax and enjoy life too.

So, it turns out this blog/website will have some helpful information about writing, revising, editing, and publishing my books. However, it will probably also have some other stuff about my life, because instead of beating myself up for not making “writing” my priority, I’ve realized (and and coming to terms with) that my priority is keeping my kids alive and relatively happy.

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